Sunday, February 21, 2010

why is it? (riddle)

who can answer these?

Why do gorillas have big noses?

what are the 7 letters the man said to his car when it ran out of fuel?

Sunday, February 14, 2010


10 Sentences how i like blog

1 I like blog Because it could be a diary.

2 I like blog becouse you can comunicate with people.

3 I like blog because you can tell your storys.

4 I like blog because i can express my feelings in it.

5 I like blog because i can become crative.

6 I like blog because it can let me make more friends.

7 I like blog because it let me play things.

8 I like blog because it let me have something to do.

9 I like blog because there are applications.

10 I like blog because there are games.